aran baik is my friend from high school, we went to University of TX fashion program together. and now, i'm working a corporate job and she is doing these amazing knits. VPL/victoria bartlett saw her portfolio and wanted her to collaborate for the spring 2010 show! totally blew my mind.
more info on the show. pics from stylesight.
LD tuttle (one of my obsessions right now) does the shoes for VPL's runway shows. and the shoes in the show were also awesome. too bad i have to wait a few more months to get my hands on some of them.
pics from stylesight.
there's also a few from the fall 09 ld tuttle line that i'm in love with.
the faun at oak nyc
the arc at lagarconne
the keeper also at lagarconne
she also has a few shoes as an urban outfitters collaboration - colonial madness. but nothing compares to the real thing. i need to win the lottery.
let's both get a pair of the keepers with the saks friend's n' fam discount this week... uh oh