Tuesday, December 29, 2009

m/m paris

i love them.  these are some of my favorites, and i want one of their posters from their catalogue once the dollar gets stronger or the euro goes to shit..
more of their work here

this is from W, m/m did the balloon art

Monday, December 28, 2009

dunlin... revisited

dammit, i want this other one too!! i was looking for this last year. 
crosby bag @ oak.  how many bags are too many bags??

Sunday, December 27, 2009

felice beato

just a few of my favorite felice beato photos.  hand painted photographs that i was lucky enough to see while in japan this past may.

this geisha bathing suit/beach series is so awesome

Sunday, December 13, 2009

digby and iona

omg.  i need one of each of these stat.
saw them at the bust craftacular - amazing jewelry.
for those of you who want to buy any of these... go to the young designers mkt in nolita.  (don't buy online... ask me why later)
more jewelry on their website - www.digbyandiona.com

keyhole necklace

coral ring

sparrow ring

nestling rabbits ring

Saturday, December 5, 2009


my recent trip to austin was super quick, but went to check out this store in austin after stalking a few things on their site.
the buyer was in the store when we stopped by, and the buying/assortment/labels is so well picked.  i saw so many things in the store i wanted to buy (and tried on the rachel comey cavat boots that i ended up getting somewhere else since they didn't have my size).

the store is better than the website, but at least they have a website.. kickpleat.com
acne jacket

scout blazer

why red leggings

brian crumley necklace

rachel comey boots
(i love them, but she does cut her shoes narrow - so size up)

monrow jacket

nicholas k sweater